INK on INC. – “Art Saves Lives”

The following is a speech given
at the Beaux Arts Ball: Ruby Anniversary on January 21, 2023
by TASI Executive Director, Greg Busceme, Sr.

photo by Breann Bly

During a recent visit from to AMSET to exhibit his work, world renowned ceramic artist James Watkins stated at the end of his discussion, “ART SAVES LIVES”. I think TASI saves lives through the opportunities we offer, our support for artists’ needs, and guidance through the world of art. We are your advocates and your friend. Art saves lives by giving young people an expression that is theirs alone. It saves lives by focusing on beauty and being true to yourself.

Another artist known for his unique ideas about art and teaching art is Robert Henri, 19th century Artist, educator and writer, who wrote The Art Spirit. In that book he stated, “ART IS A BYPRODUCT OF A STATE OF MIND”. The creative act and the vision for the work begins in the mind now of epiphany all things converge, and the artist suddenly knows how to interpret that enlightenment through creating a work of art – the byproduct.

Through this process affirms that art is the most human thing we can ever do. It is part of the human experience and engrained in our psyche.

It is known that making art increases the capacity of the brain to function and art aides the development of skill, growth, and cognizance. What is less known is that you only must make marks and push clay with no intent at all. Scribbling on paper has the same effect on the brain as creating a masterpiece! Art does not critique! It cares more that you are doing than what you are doing. Art is the key to open a closed mind! It is the most humanizing activity we can experience.

All culture of significance has created a unique artform to describe their philosophy. We are not an exception! It is our duty as artists to peruse their vision, their word, their actions!!

I call on all of us to become more human and to attempt to make art against all odds.

Write, dance, sing, build – open your eyes and hearts to your muse and find that thing that makes you who you are! We are at a precipice of an artists’ awakening – we are the generation that will fully embrace our art and continue the progress of our creative challenge and, no matter what others do, we are charged to move forward into the light of creativity – the light of knowing – the light of reason.

Make art – be human – change the world and most of all be happy.
Thank you.
