MIST: Jenny Petross

M.I.S.T. – Made In Southeast Texas

James Byron Wood, Chaos Coordinator for the BKB PO$$E, is reviving the classic questionnaire created by Bernard Pivot and popularized by James Lipton on “Inside the Actor’s Studio”. James is posing these questions to a variety of people from the 409’s arts and music scene.

portrait by Russell Smith

TASI tenant Jenny Petross is a 43-year-young multimedia artist who loves thrift stores and live music. Jenny suffers from a mechanical craving for any venture down the back roads heading west from anywhere. Frequent haunts include cemeteries by night, anything open after midnight, and various Village Creek sweet spots. 

1. What is your favorite word?


2. What is your least favorite word? 


3. What turns you on? 

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll. 

4. What turns you off? 

Cat piss. 

5. What sound or noise do you love?

Owls hooting. 

6. What sound or noise do you hate?


7. What is your favorite curse word? 

A right cunt. 

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? 

Pet taxidermy by commission. 

If you’d like to see your own answers in a future issue of STUDIO INK, please submit them to James at jamesbyronwood.bkbposse1969@gmail.com and maybe they’ll get published! 
