MIST: Steve Fitzner, Gina Mari Garcia, Sierra Kondos

M.I.S.T. (Made In Southeast Texas) features members of the local creative community.

James Byron Wood, the Chaos Coordinator for the BKB PO$$E, is reviving the classic questionnaire created by Bernard Pivot and popularized by James Lipton on Inside the Actor’s Studio. James is posing these questions to a variety of people from the 409 Arts and Music scene. Portrait created by Albert Alexander of 2TM.

Steve Fitzner is the author of the Jett Landry Saga, available for order on Amazon. He also enjoys playing his funny songs and playing Spanish guitar. Though usually not at the same time.

Gina Mari Garcia is a UGK loving Virgo amateur chef and Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch is her creative power source for inspiration.

Sierra Kondos is a Leo and enjoys meeting new people and asking them about defining moments in their lives. Her favorite time of year is Halloween.

1. What is your favorite word?

Steve: Apparently the one word I realized I overused each time I write a novel, when I have to go back and replace or delete that word. LOL.

Gina: Love. 

Sierra: Quintessential.

2. What is your least favorite word?

Steve: Same word as above after I spent hours deleting/replacing it.

Gina: Putrid 

Sierra: “Sorry” when said sarcastically. 

3. What turns you on?

Steve: Live music, either playing it or listening to it 

Gina: Raw honesty.

Sierra: When someone can discuss a topic with knowledge and passion. 

4. What turns you off?

Steve: Excessive negativity.

Gina: Rudeness.

Sierra: When someone repeats information regardless of if it is true or not. 

5. What sound or noise do you love?

Steve: The ambient sound of a quiet house on a fall day.

Gina: Rainstorms.

Sierra: Rain on a tin roof and genuine laughter. 

6. What sound or noise do you hate?

Steve: Hate’s a strong word, but I don’t like the sound of a television in the background that’s on just to be on. 

Gina: Styrofoam.

Sierra: Smacking sounds when someone eats. 

7. What is your favorite curse word?

Steve: The F word. It’s the most versatile word in the English language. It’s a verb, noun, adjective etc. 

Gina: Cockknocker.

Sierra: Fuck.

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Steve: Stand up comedy. I did some standup in college and it’s a lot harder than it looks, but the sound of people laughing is worth it 

Gina: Chief of police.

Sierra: Antique book dealer. 
