A Word to Emerging Artists

photo by Jerome Cabeen

by Maurice Abelman
Program Coordinator of Graphic Design
at Lamar State College Port Arthur

Couple of things I want to say to new emerging artists, designers, and students that are struggling with their progress.

Don’t give up on yourself. You can do it. Just because you don’t see immediate success or acknowledgement from others in real life or on social media doesn’t mean you should give up trying. Mentally separate your progress as a creative from instant gratification. Stay in it for the long run. If you truly want to make a career for yourself in a creative field, it takes hard work, dedication, and practice. It takes years to develop your skills. You’ve got to be able to keep growing even if no one notices.

Your mental attitude can have a dramatic effect on your progress as an artist or designer. If you are constantly downing yourself and your work, then you have just defeated yourself. The reality is, you will fall off the bike many times before you can ride it. If you keep trying, eventually you will get it. Learn from your failures. If you fall down, pick yourself back up and keep on trying. Surround yourself with people that support you and that you can support also. Don’t stay in the mud.

Be vigilant with your work, keep learning and trying new things. Don’t be afraid to explore new mediums. Technology is your friend. With the information resources at your fingertips today with the internet, the sky is the limit. Learn how to like learning. Learn how to gather knowledge and how to teach yourself new things. If you can’t teach yourself, find someone that is willing to teach you.

Make friends. Build your network of people. Bring people up with you as you succeed and you will always have someone to rely on when times are hard. Don’t judge your success on the success of others. There will always be someone out there better than you. Become friends with the experts so you can learn from them. Judge your success on your own progress and the goals you set for yourself.

Develop thick skin. In this industry, you will need to learn how to take criticism. There will be people that give criticism that are really trying to help you. Learn to listen first before reacting. Stay above the assholes. If you have put in the work and done the research and study, then you should have the confidence and knowledge to defend your work if required. If you haven’t, don’t be afraid to admit when you are wrong. Know when to fight, when to defend, and when to admit when you are wrong. If you are wrong, then learn how to offer solutions to fix the problem.

This advice is from years of experience that I have learned in my little part of the world working as a creative in SETX. I offer it freely to anyone that it resonates with. I also say this for my students; I have some very talented students this semester that are struggling with their work. Don’t give up! Keep on trying keep on growing. Have patience with yourself!
